Once you have added all the items to your Cart, you may Checkout using any of the payment options that populate. We accept Google Pay, Apple Pay (safari users), PayPal, any Major Credit Cards (VISA, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, etc.), Venmo, Zelle, Cash App, and Apple Cash.
If you call or text your order to 310-944-3232, we will provide the total for you to pay using any method shown below.
Mobile Payment App Options
Apple Cash: 310-944-3232
Text your payment to 310-944-3232

Cash App: $cakes4dogs
Send your payment to $cakes4dogs
Scan QR Code to pay
with Cash App
Venmo: @Redondo-Dog
If prompted, enter 3232 as the last 4 digits of the recipient’s phone number
Scan QR Code to pay
with Venmo
Zelle: 310-944-3232
Send your payment to 310-944-3232
Credit Card Payment Options
You will receive a confirmation once your payment has been received. We can only prepare your order and personalize cakes after your payment has been made. Yes, you may pay with cash and choose to wait for your order (but why cause a delay when there are so many other options to pay in advance and have your order ready when you want it?)